SKHC Calendar 2016

Building Healthy Commmunities – Respecting Traditional Values 161 Applegrove Street, Sudbury, Ontario P3C 1N2 Tel. 705-675-1596 Fax. 705-675-8040 Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre is a multi-funded agency and would like to acknowledge the ongoing support from our funders. Police, Ambulance, Fire: 911 Police, Non- Emergency: 705-675-9171 Poison Control: 705-674-3636 Health Sciences North (Hospital): 705-523-7100 Crises Intervention Program: 705-675-4760 Health Care Connect (if no family physician): 1-800-461-2919 Telehealth Ontario: 1-866-797-0000 Sudbury And District Health Unit: 705-522-9200 Employment Support, Ontario Works: 705-674-4455 Ontario Disability Support Plan (ODSP): 705-564- 4515 Gezhtoojig Employment and Training: 705-692-0766 Suicide/Self Harm Prevention: 1-800-366-8288 N’Swakamok Native Friendship Centre: 705-674-2128 Grandmother Moon Grandmother Moon is a powerful teaching about Aboriginal women’s special connection to our Grandmothers who have passed into the Spirit world. Grandmother Moon provides us direction, strength, knowledge and wisdom in taking our sacred place in our families, communities and beyond. She teaches us about our sacred role as the life-givers and the heart of our nations – for without women our nations cannot go on. We need Grandmother Moon’s presence in our lives now more than ever, especially for our young women who live in the dark and struggle to live in the light. Prayer Grandmother Moon You know all women from birth to death We seek your knowledge We seek your strength Some are STARS up there with you Some are STARS on Mother Earth Grandmother, lighten our path in the dark Creator, keep our sisters safe from harm Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre honours the sacred four stages of life through the delivery of programs and services. They are as follows: These four stages of life correspond to the four directions of the medicine wheel, the four seasons and the four components of self. Babies and children Adults Elders Youth and young adults Four Stages of Life