SKHC Calendar 2019

Nzhishenh Ralph uncle Ralph Gonawabi Wikwemikong What are your teachings surrounding being an uncle? I would just like to say that growing up, I had a lot of uncles that influenced me, helped me and did their part as the parents/ uncle. Some of them today, kind of mold my life as a being a parent and a community member. I just wanted to say that for me, I like to have fun and tease like any other uncle would do with their nephews and nieces. As an uncle who takes care of his family, what are the stories of the sacred, proud and protective role that you hold in embracing the safety of family? I’m not quite sure how to answer that but for me, I like being an uncle that has fun. Whatever it be, physically, mentally, whatever you know I like to have fun, teasing, playing games, just having that laughter and that the kids are smiling. I’m the fun uncle. I like to make jokes and tease. I’m not too serious. I’m sure the kids like to have fun, too. I am there for them, whether they are young or old, to be part of their life. Who is your favourite uncle and why? My favourite uncle would be Gerry or Gerard. He’s always been that fun uncle in my life, growing up and that makes me want to follow his lead. Because he does a lot of community events and the volunteering and he’s just a fun guy who does his own thing and helps the community out. But I have many uncles and they’re all my favourite! But if I had to pick one, it would be him. Excerpt from the interview with Ralph Gonawabi by Elizabeth Eshkibok, Cultural Practitioner at the Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre.