CELEBRATING CULTURE as TREATMENT The Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre (SKHC) celebrates the significance of cultural resiliency. We use culture as treatment in all our services and programs. We honour our inherent right to self-determination while breaking down the Indigenous social determinants of health by respecting Indigenous health in Indigenous hands as our priority. This year we celebrate 9 years of the Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre calendar. At SKHC, we utilize every opportunity to educate through culture and provide space for our true stories. In 2021, we celebrate our relationship with Leland Bell and Nikki Manitowabi. We had the opportunity to commission both artists to celebrate the roles and responsibilities of individuals in community. These pieces are teachings on the reclamation of culture and the resiliency of our nationhood. We trust that you will celebrate with us the connectiveness of all our relations.