Nzigos DEBORAH AUNTIE DEBORAH FRANCIS NANIBUSH What are your teachings surrounding being an auntie? Share your stories of the sacred, proud and protective role you hold in embracing the safety of family. Being an auntie is to support your siblings and their children, also to support your community’s extended family and nonrelatives in the same manner. In the home where I was raised (my great-aunties), I was given safety, consistency, shelter, and the feeling I belonged. I believe in giving back what I was given. As a young adult, Olive McGregor gave her time to many and you could count on her to be honest with you. I have come to learn to fully listen respectfully with the person talking to you. It is important to model strength, and compassion to others. Others need to be given recognition and encouragement in their personal growth and becoming strong. Sometimes others need an advocate until they can speak for themselves. Offer information on proven safe cultural resources and resource persons. Encourage a person to use helping resources, if the first one does not work, ask them to try again until they find one that works. Families can model for their children and relatives to create a net of helpers in their lives. It is alright to offer time limited shelter and refuge and then help one to seek longer term safety.