SKHC Calendar 2023

Foundations One day the roots had their ears to the sky, listening to the two-legged talk. When they heard ‘time immemorial’ they looked to the rocks in disbelief and asked “Don’t they know that no time is ‘immemorial’? That we remember it all? That we sat at the first circle, that we watched the star fall, that we heard the first step and still vibrate with the birds first call?” The rocks replied “Ehn, nevermind time immemorial… those two-legged are today immemorial!” and the roots and rocks shook with laughter Brother, put your ear to the ground and tell us if you hear Herds of love thundering towards future generations Unworried waterways roiling with laughter Sister, put your eyes to the sky and tell us if you see Giants lifting pipes to kin constellations Smoke curling around spirits falling through The Hole In The Sky Our foundation is solid and Aho it’s funny The day the Uncles lay it down was beautiful and long The Aunties threw their heads back and slapped that foundation strong And the rocks and roots will forever crack their jokes Cause we’re laughin’ or dyin’ is how the saying goes And we breathe the giants in