SKHC Calendar 2023

Building Healthy Communities – Respecting Traditional Values 161 Applegrove Street, Sudbury, Ontario P3C 1N2 Tel. 705-675-1596 Fax. 705-675-8040 The Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre honours the sacred four stages of life through the delivery of programs and services. These stages correspond to the four directions of the medicine wheel, the four seasons and the four components of self. Babies and children Adults Elders Youth and young adults FOUR STAGES of LIFE POLICE, AMBULANCE, FIRE: 911 Police (non-emergency): 705-675-9171 Poison Control: 1-800-268-5900 Health Sciences North (hospital): 705-523-7100 Crisis Intervention Program: 705-675-4760 Telehealth Ontario: 1-866-797-0000 Public Health Sudbury & Districts: 705-522-9200 Employment Support, Ontario Works: 705-674-4455 Ontario Disability Support Plan (ODSP): 705-564-4515 Gezhtoojig Employment and Training: 705-692-0766 Suicide/Self-Harm Prevention: 1-800-366-8288 N’Swakamok Native Friendship Centre: 705-674-2128 Niijaanisinaanik Child and Family Services: 705-746-9354 Kina Gbezhgomi Child and Family Services: 705-370-2100 Nogdawindamin Family and Community Services: 1-800-465-0999 Native People of Sudbury Development Corporation: 705-674-9996 The Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre is a multi-funded agency and would like to acknowledge the ongoing support from our funders. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services Ministry of Health Ministry of the Attorney General Ontario Health, Northern Region Indigenous Service Canada