SKHC Calendar 2023

We are ready to hear The tales passed down from marrow to marrow As the winter blankets our mother she rests And opens our hearts for storytellers to express Wisdom Fun Warming us like fire Weaving our nights with heartbeat, drumbeat, storybeat The tales of time immemorial becoming fresh and new The ancestors have heard our stories Back when we were ancestors too We are time travellers Remembering together We were lowered on a woven web from The Hole In The Sky We moved fast, through kin constellations From web to womb to breath Stardust dripping from plump lips Bursting from soft spots gently kissed Nokomis landings Preparing to meet our Grandfathers on wobbly feet NMishomis Great beings that honour their responsibility To remember all A great council that moves and hums to soothe its holdings And holds all And we breathe the giants in Time Travellers