SKHC Calendar 2016

The Health Centre helps me with a lot of my health care and mental health needs. I go there for cooking classes, bowling, urban poling, to see a Nurse Practitioner, go for foot care, counselling and art drop in. I like that there is always something new to do. Everyone is friendly and there to help with all my health care needs. I like that it is for First Nations people and that many of the staff are First Nations also. It is like going to family for help and support. SKHC is like a community. Charles Anwhatin Teaching words Medicine Mehkiki (strength from the earth) It is summer. Niibin Happy Father’s Day Mino Noos Giizhigad Medicine Dandelion leaves Doodooshaaboojiibik aniibiishan june Stroke Awareness Month June 21: Aboriginal Solidarity Day